DLP Profile

Hall of Fame Nomination

On behalf of the Skagit Valley Dahlia society and many other members of the dahlia community the name of Dave Eldridge is forwarded for inclusion in the Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Hall of Fame.

Dave’s qualifications are many and longstanding:

  • Served as head of Judges Training for the Federation.
  • Has taught the Senior judging class for many years.
  • Oversaw and directed all aspects of the 2009 ADS SCDS 100th show
  • 40 years of growing, showing, and judging dahlias.
  • 30 plus years as an officer of the Snohomish County Dahlia Society.
  • 30 plus years as show chairman and judging chair for SCDS.
  • 15 or more years as chair of judging for SVDS.
  • Champion basket maker and teacher of making baskets.
  • Ran a successful dahlia cut flower and home florist business.


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