DLP Profile
Hall of Fame Nomination
The Washington State Dahlia Society would like to nominate Brad and Rosemary Freeman for the Federation Hall of Fame.
In the early 1990s, Brad and Rosemary started growing dahlias and joined the Puget Sound Dahlia Association. They jumped into helping with both the PSDA and Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers in many ways and started showing. Early on, they were being successful exhibitors, with blooms consistently on the Head Table. I don’t believe they know the meaning of the word, “no” as they have continued to be involved in all areas of dahlias.
By the mid-1990s, they volunteered to be the Education Chair for the Federation, which they did for several years. They got into the Judging Program soon after joining and became Senior Judges in 2001. Shortly thereafter, they became Judging Instructors.
When the Federation decided to host an ADS National Show in 2004, Brad and Rosemary volunteered to be Registrar and Treasurer for the Show. They made a detailed budget to make sure we were on target with our fund-raising efforts and that we would have ample funds to put on a first-class show. Their efforts were successful; the 2004 show was magnificent! When planning began for the Federation to host another National Show in 2014, they jumped right in to help with the planning. Brad agreed to be Co-Chair for the Planning Committee. He helped keep us on track, ensuring that each committee chair was completing tasks in a timely manner. Rosemary was always present at the meetings as Brad’s right-hand woman! And, now that the Federation is planning on another National Show in 2020, Brad is again Co-Chair and Rosemary is Treasurer and Registrar. They always work hand in hand; we are always fortunate to get a team when one of them volunteers!
When a new Regional Vice President to the American Dahlia Society for the Federation was needed, Brad volunteered to take on that duty. He represents the Federation superbly and always brings back information from the ADS to Federation members. Both Rosemary and Brad have also been instrumental in encouraging other Federation members to participate on the board of the ADS, thereby bringing the Federation into the forefront of the ADS. Rosemary also serves as the ADS’s New Society Coordinator.
In 2010, Rosemary took over the formidable task of Federation Treasurer and shortly thereafter took over as Membership Chair. With her accounting background, this has been a natural fit for her. She pays attention to detail keeping track of the Federation’s membership and has always been a good steward of the Federation’s money. In 2014, after research and comparison, Rosemary recommended that the Federation societies get their insurance through the ADS instead of through the Federation, as the cost was significantly less and coverage was comparable.
Rosemary and Brad have a great love of dahlias and are always encouraging others to grow and show and get involved in their local, regional and national dahlia society. They are great emissaries of our favorite flower, the dahlia!