DLP Profile

DLP Profile

Hall of Fame Nomination – 2010

Washington State Dahlia Society (WSDS) is nominating Birdie McCartney as a Federation Hall of Fame nominee in memorial.

Birdie had many jobs relating to dahlias. She was the ADS Tacoma trial garden director, who worked closely with WSDS as the sponsoring club and with the Federation to coordinate trial garden judging and trial garden judging education.

Birdie was the Federation treasurer for many years. In addition to keeping the books and writing checks, she was responsible for purchasing and distributing hog rings and show tags.

Within the WSDS Birdie was a long-time secretary and was our ADS representative for many years. She was also responsible for many odd jobs for our shows.

We believe Birdie was a motivating force in the dahlia culture and among Federation members for many years. Anyone involved with the Federation in the 70s, 80s and 90s will certainly agree.


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